Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Health Services (PBCNHS) is now inviting applications for a term, part-time Medical Transportation Clerk.The Medical Transportation Clerk is responsible for the coordination of medical transportation for the First Nations community members residing in the community ofDenare Beach and to ensure the FNIHB Medical Transportation Directive is implemented. They are also responsible for coordinating health promotion and wellness activities as needed and to be a frontline contact for community members on health related issues
Job Duties
Implementing FNIHB Medical Transportation policy in the coordination of medical transportation benefits for community First Nations members
Communicate/Educate community members of FNIHB medical transportation policies
General administrative and clerical duties related to the implementation of medical transportation benefits
Work cooperatively with other organizations within the community
Advocate for community members
Maintain strict confidentiality
Other duties as assigned
Minimum Grade 12 or equivalent
Training and/or related experience is considered an asset
Strong verbal and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills
Be self-motivated, willing to learn, eager to help
Drivers license required
Must not have a criminal record
Ability to speak Cree is an asset