Primary Responsibilities
Administrative Tasks
* Seeks support when needed (school staff) and advocate for students.
* Follow school-based administrators expectations for creating DLCgo accounts/new applications, requesting courses, approving course request, course selections, drops, etc.
* Keep accurate and timely documentation - student records organized/filed (i.e. files for students, timelines, marked assignments/exams, progress reports, communications, etc.).
* May take attendance for each period.
Supporting Learning
* Work as a collaborative team member that may include Online Teachers, Student Support Teachers, School-Based Administrators, Campus Principals or Support Staff.
* Ensures students have necessary resources (Sask DLC materials, printables, textbooks, technology, lab supplies, etc.) as per the Resources page in each course; record and return.
* Orientates new students to classroom procedures and expectations, logging in, and how online learning works within their school.
* Supervise and demonstrate knowledge and application of diverse learning supports to meet student academic needs (i.e. clarify directions, read questions/assignments, etc.); direct them to other supports when applicable (Sask DLC teacher, admin, etc.).
* Demonstrate an ability to adapt to the changing needs of students.
* Display a willingness to learn new skills and strategies to effectively support students.
* Coordinate, organize, and proctor exams.
Supporting Pace and Progress
* Update student pace/progress tool (i.e. calendar on whiteboard, Excel document)
* Monitor pace/progress/success (i.e. check Moodle logs, check grades, talk with students, talk with teachers, upcoming due dates, use auto-forwards from Moodle, etc.)