As an Organizational Effectiveness Consultant at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, you would be responsible for co-designing and facilitating initiatives and interventions that enhance organizational effectiveness. These activities include building capacity for leadership development, change management, and team effectiveness including conflict management. The role works collaboratively with colleagues within human resources and across all levels of leadership within Saskatchewan Polytechnic to ensure alignment of the strategic and operational priorities. Specific accountabilities include:
-Provide focused support to a client portfolio that enables the team to effectively meet strategic and operational goals. This can include but not limited to research, writing, planning, coaching, training, and facilitation.
-Lead assigned organizational projects such as employee engagement strategies, leadership development and employee assessment and development programs and change management support.
-Advise the Saskatchewan Polytechnic community on strategies consistent with the envisioned workplace such as developing a respectful, positive environment, through learning, development, and facilitation initiatives
-Lead the diagnosis of organizational systems by engaging managers and staff in workplace assessments or other needs assessment techniques, and in defining, facilitating and applying appropriate intervention strategies, including those designed to transform individual and group behaviour and attitudes to foster and manage personal change and achieve higher levels of effectiveness and engagement.
-Evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of various intervention approaches and their results.