- Develop policies
- Supervise professional and support staff and students
- Administer programs to promote industrial and commercial business investment in rural and urban areas
- Plan development projects
- Recruit and hire staff
- Provide advice on procedures and requirements for government approval of development proposals
- Conduct comparative research on marketing strategies for industrial and commercial products
- Prepare reports, research papers, educational texts or articles
- Conduct analytical marketing studies
- Conduct social or economic surveys on local, regional, or international areas to assess development of potential and future trends
- Design, conduct and analyze quantitative and qualitative research projects
- Provide consultation on planning and starting of new businesses.
- Develop marketing strategies
- Ensure appropriate business/commercial licenses are in place
- Develop and implement business plans
1 to 2 people
Experience and specialization
Computer and technology knowledge
MS Office
MS Windows
Additional information
Work conditions and physical capabilities
Fast-paced environment
Attention to detail
Personal suitability
Team player