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Employer Job Number: GO-00751484
Facility: Battlefords Union Hospital
Job Description: The Manager will provide clinical leadership support to all patients and their care. The Manager plays an integral role in the coordination of service from a multidisciplinary team approach to care and supports the continuation of care. The Manager works closely with physician co-leads to support the coordination of team-based care and is required to develop collaborative partnerships with staff at all levels of the organization to ensure coordinated, evidence based care throughout the patients' journey. They will also develop partnerships with community groups, agencies, educational institutions, and external stakeholders. The Manager is responsible to participate in various committees based on program, operational and\or organizational needs. The Manager provides expert opinions and advises on matters affecting the delivery of patient care. The Manager develops and coaches staff to provide patient care to improve health status and supports Family Centred Care.
Major Challenges:
Demands frequent triaging of priorities and quick decision making while meeting demands of multiple stakeholders such as physicians, staff, patient and families in a fast paced multi-service environment.
The position demands proactive interventions varying from simple to complex; sometimes with limited information, short time-lines and unpredictable outcomes.
Managing flow requires constant priority and decision making regarding patient placement and resource allocation to ensure care for both emergent and planned patients while still supporting overall system flow.
Setting and monitoring practice standards of care for the unit/program and overall care, supporting a diverse population of patients within budget to meet public/patient expectations.
Supporting quality and safety initiatives that ali
For more information on this job, please visit the employer's website.